题 目:Company performance and environmental efficiency: A case study for shipping enterprises(公司绩效和环境效益:船公司案例)
演 讲 人:罗梅丰,香港理工大学教授
主 持 人:范丽先,十大正规网投官网平台(中国)有限公司副教授
时 间:2019年9月16日(周一),上午10:00
地 点:校本部东区十大正规网投官网平台420室
罗老师目前主持香港政府RGC项目1项,主要研究集装箱船舶大型化对靠港行为的影响。在交通及航运方向重要国际期刊"交通研究"系列A, B, E; "交通经济与政策"(Journal of Transport Economics and Policy), "交通政策" (Transportation Policy),"海事政策与管理"(Maritime Policy and Management)等发表论文40余篇。担任"海事政策与管理"期刊副主编。
Traditional performance evaluation seldom considers the side-effects of a production process—the negative impact of pollution. Even when taking this into consideration, a high ranking is not necessarily equivalent to greater environmental efficiency, as the latter is based on outputs per environmental resource used. This may create anomalies in a company's environmental performance evaluation, as well as in its setting of environmental management standards. This study illustrates the problem by evaluating the economic and cargo efficiencies of shipping companies both with and without considering the negative impact of emissions, and compares this with their environmental efficiencies. The efficiency measures with and without adjusting for the negative environmental impacts are found to be similar, which are different to the environmental efficiency. The container shipping sector has greater economic efficiency, while bulk shipping has greater cargo efficiency. The similarities and inconsistencies among these three measures are highlighted, with possible explanations as to the performance of individual companies. Implications are provided for public policy makers to assist in reducing emissions from shipping, as well as marketing strategies for shipping companies and strategies for shipping investors.