题目:Pandemic Risk Management: Resources Contingency Planning and Allocation(大流行风险管理:资源应急存储和分配策略研究)
主持人:周 建,十大正规网投官网平台(中国)有限公司教授
陈孝伟,南开大学金融学院精算学系副教授、硕士生导师,美国伊利诺伊大学、韩国木浦海洋大学访问学者,研究方向为风险管理与精算学、巨灾风险管理、机器学习与运筹学,发表论文30余篇,分布在EJOR、Information Sciences,Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing,Expert Systems with Applications,IEEE TFS,“南开经济研究”、“保险研究”等经济、管理科学领域知名期刊。主持国家自然科学基金两项。2011年入选天津市首批“用三年时间引进千名以上高层次人才”项目,2017年天津市131第三层次人才,2015年获得中国运筹学会不确定系统分会“钟家庆运筹学奖”。目前担任中国运筹学会不确定系统分会理事长、中国运筹学会理事、中国运筹学会智能计算分会常务理事,英文期刊《Journal of Uncertain Systems》副主编,《International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Economy》编委、教育部学位中心学位论文评审专家,天津市政府保险招投标评审专家。
Repeated history of pandemics, such as SARS, H1N1, Ebola, Zika, and COVID-19, has shown that pandemic risk is inevitable. Extraordinary shortages of medical resources have been observed in many parts of the world. Some attributing factors include the lack of sufficient stockpiles and the lack of coordinated efforts to deploy existing resources to the location of greatest needs.
The research investigates contingency planning and resources allocation from a risk management perspective, as opposed to the prevailing supply chain perspective. The key idea is that the competition of limited critical resources is not only present in different geographical locations but also at different stages of a pandemic. This paper draws on an analogy between risk aggregation and capital allocation in finance and pandemic resources planning and allocation for healthcare systems. The main contribution is to introduce new strategies for optimal stockpiling and allocation balancing spatio-temporal competitions of medical supply and demand.