

创建时间:  2021-03-23  朱毅雅   浏览次数:









研究兴趣为工作设计和失败管理,主持和参与6项国家级和省部级研究课题,已在Academy of Management AnnalsJournal of Organizational BehaviorHuman Resource Management Journal和《心理科学进展》等国内外高水平期刊发表论文二十余篇,研究成果入选ESI高被引论文和热点论文(0.1%)。

曾获Wiley Top Cited Article(2020-2021)、“全国百篇优秀管理案例”、科廷大学“董事长杰出博士论文奖”、科廷大学“年度论文高度赞誉奖”、科廷大学“高等研究学位实践奖学金”、澳大利亚未来工作研究中心“青年学者最具影响力论文奖”。


# =共同一作,*=通讯作者


1.Wang, B.,Liu, Y., Parker, S.K. 2020. How does the use of information communication technology affects individuals: A work design perspective.Academy of Management Annals(FMS-A; ABS 4*),14(2), 695-725.

-2020 FOWI Award for the Early Career Researcher with the Highest Journal Impact Factor Publication

-2020 FBL Journal Article of the Year (Highly Commended)

2.Wang, B., Liu, Y., Qian, J. Parker, S.K. 2021. Achieving effective remote working during the COVID-19 pandemic: A work design perspective.Applied Psychology:An International Review(FMS-B; ABS 3),70(1), 16-59.

-Wiley Top Cited Article 2020-2021

-ESI Hot Paper (Top 0.1%)

-ESI Highly Cited Paper

3.Zhang, F. #,Wang, B.#,Qian, J., Parker, S.K. 2021. How and when overqualifaction results in positive outcomes? A job crafting perspective.Journal of Organizational Behavior(FMS-A; ABS 4),42(5), 587-603.

4.Wang, B., Liao Y., Chen, M., Zhang, L., Qian, J.2021. Work and affective outcomes of social media at work: A daily survey study.International Journal of Human Resource Management(ABDC-A, FMS-B).https://doi.org/10.1080/09585192.2021.2012711

5.Wang, B., Zhang, Y., Li, B. 2022. Facilitating timelier research with a novel classification of workplace technology.Industrial and Organizational Psychology(JCR Q1)

6.Wang, B., Liu, Yu., Parker, S.K. 2021. Do we tell the same story? Towards a clear definition of individual-level information and communication technology use.Industrial and Organizational Psychology(JCR Q1),14(3), 404-408.

7.Song B.,Wang, B., Qian J., Zhang Y.2021. Procrastinate at work, sleep badly at night: How job autonomy matters.Applied Psychology:An International Review(ABS 3, FMS-B).https://doi.org/10.1111/apps.12363


8.Wang, B.,Chen, M.,Qian, J. 2021.Workplace ostracism and feedback-seeking behavior: A resource based perspective.Current Psychology(JCR Q1).https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-01531-y

9.Xia, A. #,Wang, B. #, Song, B., Zhang, W., Qian, J. 2019. How and when workplace ostracism influences task performance: Through the lens of COR theory.Human Resource Management Journal(FMS-A; ABS 4*),29(3), 353-370.

10.Wang, B., Qian, J., Ou, R. L., Huang, C., Xu, B., Xia, Y. 2016. Transformational leadership and employees' feedback seeking: The mediating role of trust in leader.Social Behavior and Personality, 44(7), 1201-1208.

11.Zhang, X., Qian, J.,Wang, B., Chen, M. 2020. The role of reward omission in empowering leadership and employee outcomes: A moderated mediation model.Human Resource Management Journal(FMS-A; ABS 4*),30(2), 226-243.

12.Qian, J., Yang, F.,Wang, B., Huang, C. Y., Song, B. 2019. When workplace ostracism leads to burnout: The roles of job self-determination and future time orientation.TheInternational Journal of Human Resource Management(ABDC-A, FMS-B),30(17), 2465-2481.

13.Qian, J., Zhang, W., Qu, Y.,Wang, B., Chen, M. 2020. The enactment of knowledge sharing: The roles of psychological availability and team psychological safety climate.Frontiers in Psychology11(September), 2292.

14.Qian, J.,Wang, B., Song, B, Li, X., Wu, L., Fang, Y. 2019. It takes two to tango: The impact of leaders’ listening behavior on employees’ feedback seeking.Current Psychology,38(3), 803-810.

15.Qian, J., Li, X,Wang, B., Song, B., Zhang, W., Chen, M., Qu, Y. 2018.A role theory perspective on how and when goal-focused leadership influences employee voice behavior.Frontiers in Psychology, 9(July), 1244.

16.Qian, J., Song, B., Jin, Z,Wang, B., Chen, H. 2018. Linking empowering leadership to task performance, taking charge, and voice: The mediating role of feedback-seeking.Frontiers in Psychology,9(October), 2025.

17.Qian, J., Li, X., Song, B.,Wang, B., Wang, M., Chang. S., Xiong, Y. 2018.Leaders’ expressed humility and followers’ feedback seeking: The mediating effects of perceived image cost and moderating effects of power distance orientation.Frontiers in Psychology,9(April), 1-10.

18.Huang, C., Qian, J., Jin, Z.,Wang, B. 2018. Unlocking the mask: A close look at how servant leaders influence people.Current Psychology,37(4), 956-965.

19.Qian, J.,Wang, B., Han, Z., Song, B. 2017. Ethical leadership, leader-member exchange and feedback seeking: A double-moderated mediation model of emotional intelligence and work-unit structure.Frontiers in Psychology,8(July), 1174.

20.Zhang, X, Qian, J.,Wang, B., Jin, Z., Wang, J.C., Wang, Y. 2017. Leaders’ behaviors matter: The role of delegation in promoting employees’ feedback-seeking behavior.Frontiers in Psychology,8(June), 1-10.

21.Song, B., Qian, J.,Wang, B., Yang, M., Zhai, A. 2017. Are you hiding from your boss? Leader’s destructive personality and employee silence.Social Behavior and Personality,45(7), 1167-1174.

22.Qian, J, Song, B.,Wang, B.2017. Abusive supervision and job dissatisfaction: The moderating effects of feedback avoidance and critical thinking.Frontiers in Psychology,8(March), 496.

23.张靓婷,王斌*,付景涛. 2021.组织社会化视角下员工组织公民行为动态变化趋势及其形成机制研究.心理科学进展, 12(29), 2105-2118.

24.张靓婷,冯晓霞,付景涛,王斌. 2022.新员工建言行为的变化趋势:基于AMO理论的动态研究.管理评论.


25.Zhang, L.,Wang, B., Feng, X., Zhang, Y., Wang, W. 2022. Exploring the influence of failure aversion on learning from project failure: A sensemaking perspective.Frontiers in Psychology, 13(May), 2329.

26.Wang, W., Yang, C.,Wang, B.*, Chen, X., Wang, B., Yuan, W. 2019. When error learning orientation leads to learning from project failure: The moderating role of fear of face loss.Frontiers in Psychology,10(June), 1317.

27.Wang, W.,Wang, B.*, Yang, K., Yang, C., Yuan, W., & Song, S. 2018. When project commitment leads to learning from failure: The roles of perceived shame and personal control.Frontiers in Psychology,9(February), 86.



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