题 目:Integrating Quality and Digitalization towards Quality 4.0(质量4.0时代的质量与数字化集成)
演 讲 人:Lars Sorqvist 教授,桑德霍姆联合公司总裁、国际质量研究院(IAQ)副经理
主 持 人:刘虎沉,十大正规网投官网平台(中国)有限公司教授
时 间:2019年12月7日(周六),下午3:00
地 点:校本部东区十大正规网投官网平台420室
Successful digitalization must start with understanding of the customer. When the needs and expectations of the customers are known it is possible to develop IT-solutions that creates customer value and support the organization in meeting those needs. Understanding customer needs and expectation is about deliver quality. Today the concept Quality 4.0 has become very popular in many countries. This is about integration and symbiosis between quality and digitalization. New research has shown that the correlation between successful digitalization and quality is strong. This seminar will discuss the meaning of and possibilities with integrated management of quality and digitalization.